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Railway Transportation Facilities(铁路运输设备)

书号:9787113265854 套系名称:A Series of Textbooks on Railway Transportation for the Belt and Road

作者:宋瑞 出版日期:2021-04-01

定价:83.00 页码 / 开本:无 /16

策划编辑:悦彩 责任编辑:悦彩

适用专业:城轨教材 适用层次:高职高专


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内容简介 前言 目录 作者介绍 图书特色
  • 本书是“一带一路”铁路运输系列英文教材之一,是根据《铁路技术管理规程(普速铁路部分)》和《铁路技术管理规程(高速铁路部分)》以及近年来铁路现场所使用的新技术、新设备编写的,比较系统地阐述了现代铁路运输设备的基本知识与原理。全书共分八章,即绪论、铁路线路、铁路车站与枢纽、铁路车辆、铁路机车、铁路信号与通信设备、高速铁路、重载铁路等。本书在编写时力求文字简明扼要、图文并茂,学生通过本书的学习,能系统了解铁路运输设备,开拓知识面,为今后学习专业课或从事交通运输工作打下一个良好的基础。?
  • This book is one of series of textbooks on railway transportation for the Belt and Road, suitable for professional teaching of railway majors of colleges and universities and use by railway special technicians.
    Railways are important national infrastructures, the main artery of national economy, and the backbone of transportation system. The railway transportation involves both personnel and materials, and it is an important link for participation in creation of social spiritual and material wealth. The purpose of railway transportation and production is to change the spatial position by movement. Railway transportation facilities are both material carriers and guarantee means to realize railway transportation. They mainly include the fixed equipment, mobile equipment and communication control equipment of each main department of railway, such as train depot, locomotive depot, track maintenance depot, signal depot and vehicle depot. With the advancement of science and technology and change of social demands, the technical facilities of railway transportation have been updated on and on, and both their technicaleconomic performance and application scope change continuously, thus facilitating the continuous technology updating and improvement of service quality.
    This book is prepared according to the Regulations on Railway Technical Management and the new technologies and facilities used on the railway site. It systematically describes both basic knowledge and principles of the modern railway transportation facilities. This book is composed of eight chapters including introduction, railway line, railway station and joint terminal, railway vehicles, railway locomotive, railway signaling and communication equipment, highspeed railway, and heavy haul railway. It is prepared to have concise texts and vivid pictures, so that the students can systematically understand the railway transportation facilities and broaden their scope of knowledge by reading it, to lay a solid foundation for their future study of specialized courses or their engagement in the transportation field.
    This book is mainly compiled by Song Rui from Beijing Jiaotong University who is responsible for Chapters Ⅰ, Ⅳ and Ⅴ, together with Wang Haixing (Chapters Ⅱ, Ⅶ and Ⅷ), Xu Hong (Chapter Ⅲ), and Jiang Jian (Chapter Ⅵ) from Beijing Jiaotong University.
    We have consulted a large number of references when preparing this book. We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to the authors. As this book contains extensive contents and the authors are limited in abilities, we are open to criticism in case of any mistakes.Authors April 2020 Railway Transportation Facilities?
  • Chapter ⅠIntroduction1
    1.1Overview of Railway Transportation1
    1.2General Situation of Railway Development4
    Reviewing Exercises17
    Chapter ⅡRailway Line18
    2.2Track Plan and Track Profile24
    2.3Roadbed and Bridge and Tunnel Buildings35
    2.6Railway Track Maintenance67
    Reviewing Exercises72
    Chapter ⅢRailway Station and Joint Terminal73
    3.1Overview of Railway Stations 73
    3.2Intermediate Stations79
    3.3District Stations85
    3.4Marshaling Stations92
    3.5Railway joint terminal103
    Reviewing Exercises109
    Chapter ⅣRailway Vehicles110
    4.2Basic Structure of Railway Vehicles112
    4.3Vehicle Code, Marking and Technical Economic Parameters131
    4.4Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance136
    Reviewing Exercises142
    Chapter ⅤRailway Locomotive143
    5.2Diesel Locomotive144
    5.3Electric Locomotive154
    5.4Locomotive Inspection and Operation160
    Reviewing Exercises164
    Chapter ⅥRailway Signaling and Communication Equipment165
    6.2Railway Signal166
    6.3Interlocking Equipment171
    6.4Block Device178
    6.5Train Dispatching and Train Operation Control System184
    6.6Railway Communication Equipment196
    Reviewing Exercises202
    Chapter ⅦHighSpeed Railway203
    7.2The Development of HighSpeed Railway205
    7.3HighSpeed Railway Infrastructure209
    7.4HighSpeed Railway Vehicles220
    Reviewing Exercises239
    Chapter ⅧHeavy Haul Railway240
    8.2Development of Heavy Haul Railway241
    8.3Foundation Works of Heavy Haul Railway244
    8.4Heavy Haul Railway Locomotives and Vehicles252
    Reviewing Exercises259
  • 宋瑞,1997年获工学博士学位,2005年被北京交通大学评为教授,博导。研究方向:交通运输规划与管理、城市公共交通。共主持和承担国家自然科学基金项目、国家863计划项目、中国铁路总公司重大项目等50余项科研项目,发表学术论文100余篇,出版专著、译著、教材多部。获中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖2项、国家高等教育教学成果奖二等奖1项。是中国系统工程学会交通运输系统工程专业委员会理事、北京公交集团战略发展咨询委员会委员。?
  • 近年来,随着我国铁路特别是高速铁路发展取得显著成绩,以及“一带一路”倡议的提出,铁路外交成为我国对外交流合作的新名片,铁路对外交流合作水平不断提升,铁路“走出去”已成为我国“一带一路”的重要领域,这也带来国际化铁路人才培养的巨大需求,国内铁路院校的涉外培训逐年增加,亟需一套铁路专业的英文教材。   